Thursday, December 16, 2010

APOD 2.6

Today I am writing about the Leonids Meteor Shower. Not only can many meteors from the meteor shower be seen but the way the stars orbit in the sky can also be seen very easily in this picture. They make a very interesting pattern in the sky and the circumpolar stars make a complete circle over the course of the night. Because the meteors can be seen in combination with the path of the stars this picture appears very amazing and is why I chose to write about it.

APOD 2.5

I chose to write about the supercell thunderstorm over Montana mainly because it happened on Earth. However, just by looking at it, it is hard to tell that this is something that could actually occur on Earth because it looks like something out of a science fiction movie more than reality. It is several kilometers in diameter and can last for several hours. It can also create many tornadoes and release extremely large amounts of rain. In this picture the torrential downpour of rain appears more as mist, but at a closer look it can be seen that it is actually large amounts of rain pouring down from this one massive cloud.