Friday, January 28, 2011

APOD 3.2

This is an image of the Polar Ring Galaxy NG660. I chose to write about it because it is such a strange type of galaxy. Its massive ring system orbits it almost perpendicular to the spiral, which is a very unpredicted place for it to be. The fact that an entire galaxy can have a ring system is simple amazing, the amount of debris that must be collected for it to occur is gargantuan. The ring system spans about 40,000 light years and there is very few things that could have caused this system to form. One of the most likely hypothesis for this is that another galaxy with a tail of debris passed closely by it and this galaxy captured the tail and formed these rings. Whatever happened to form this ring was truly amazing, this image shows how many possibilities of galaxies are available in the universe and no matter how minuscule the chance of one of the occurring is, it will happen somewhere in the universe.

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