Monday, March 28, 2011

Astronomy Night

The first star that I saw was Sirius at about 8 PM shortly after the Sun set. The next 2 were Procyon and Canopus, which are both first magnitude stars and among the brightest in the sky. After it got dark we identified, Orion, Orion's Belt, Canis Major and Minor, the area where Monoceros should be, some stars that were part of Columbus and Lepus, The Big Dipper, Triangulum, Auriga, Hydra, Leo, Gemini, and a few others. We identified Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Rigel, Castor, Pollux, Sirius, Canopus, Capella, Aldebaron, and the Kids in Auriga. There was also one satellite that we saw that was visible for about 30 seconds. Through the telescopes we saw M42 in Orion and Saturn which was very detailed and the space between the planet and the rings was actually visible. Overall it was a very fun stargaze and we were able to identify a large number of celestial objects.

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