Thursday, October 28, 2010

APOD 2.1

This week I chose to write about the Andromeda Galaxy in ultraviolet and visible light. In this picture it is very easy to see the applications of other wavelengths of light outside of the visible spectrum. Ultraviolet, as can easily be seen here, penetrates cosmic dust and other impediments much easier than visible light. This give us a much clearer view of the object that is being looked at and also provides information that visible light simply cannot tell us. One example of this information is the fact that only hotter stars will be seen because they in order to radiate in the ultraviolet spectrum, they must be extremely hot. This is useful because many stars do not radiate only in the visible spectrum, which means all the possible data they give off can not be picked up by using visible light, which is why studying other wavelengths is helpful.

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