Friday, November 5, 2010

APOD 2.2

Today I chose the picture "Star Trails and the Captain's Ghost" to talk about. I chose this picture for a few reasons, but mainly because of the time lapse effect that can be very clearly seen. This time elapse shows how stars become brighter as they move higher up into the sky, as can be seen by the widening trail of light as they move higher. This picture also demonstrates how stars appear to move to us, and it can be seen that the stars on the right frame of the picture are closer to north because they have more circular paths, which means that they are close to north. This picture also makes it very easy to tell which stars have brighter magnitudes because many of the dimmer stars fade in and out with the time lapse, but the brighter ones stay constant, if not brighter. These are the reasons as to why I chose to write about this picture.

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