Friday, November 19, 2010

APOD 2.4

This picture of spiral galaxy M66 puts in perspective the size of various objects of our universe. In the picture a few stars from the Milky Way Galaxy can be seen and they are only a few hundred light years away at the most. The galaxy M66 is about 35,000,000 light years away. At this distance it should be infinitesimally small, but compared to the stars, which are much closer, it appears massive and dwarfs them. This shows how large it truly is, if it is 35,000,000 light years away and still appears gigantic compared to the much closer stars of our own galaxy. In the caption it is stated that it is about 100,000 light years across, which is indescribably large. Other galaxies can be seen in the background as only small specs of light, which displays their distance as almost immeasurable.

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